Having a dog can be really life-changing! This amazingly cute creature is always living its life fully and can be an inspiration for us to do the same thing. 

Bonding with a dog is the easiest thing ever, let’s be honest. Many people even prefer to interact with dogs than with people. They won’t judge you with you get back with your ex or eat that 3-week-old slice of pizza that was sitting in your fridge. No, they’ll love you for who you are (if you treat them nicely, of course!).

But having dogs can also help us connect with ourselves! They love us for who we are, with no judgments. 

1- Dachshund

dachshund on the bed

Also known as Wiener Dog or Sausage Dog because of its shape, this german breed will be a great company for you and your family, and not just because they are so cute and intelligent. Dachshunds have a very playful spirit and can be very independent. It is a very good breed to have if you live in an apartment or a small house.

dachshund on the sofa

This breed is courageous, stubborn, very clever, and has got a lot of energy to play and exercise. Dachshunds tend to be suspicious of other people (and also other pets!), they’ll most likely be a one-person dog, so we suggest you socialize your wiener dog when it’s still a puppy, so it can get used to other people’s company.

Good for apartment living?: Yes! 
Easy to train?: Not so much. 
Cold or hot weather?: Adapts better to hot weather
Friendliness: 5 stars, for sure! (But not with strangers!)
Traveling: They love it!
Exercise: A little every day is enough.
Playful: Yes, a lot! They love to be silly!
Shedding: Just a little.

2- Shiba Inu

This Japanese breed is too cute! Shibas got popular when they became memes all over the internet. They are small, athletic, and very alert. Attention: without the right training, they can get a little aggressive. They are not so easy to train either, but socialization in the early puppy years will help you deal better with your Shiba Inu. They are very clever and independent, but also a bit stubborn. But they are lovely companies for a family, if you treat your Shiba Inu right, it’ll be devoted and loyal to you and your loved ones.

shiba inu with flowers

This breed loves running and hunting, so you’ll need to exercise a lot with your Shiba Inu. It will most likely need a daily workout routine, because of the amount of energy they have.

Good for apartment living?: Very much!
Easy to train?: They are stubborn, so no. It might take longer.
Cold or hot weather?: Adapts better to cold weather
Friendliness: We give 4 stars here, Shibas are friendly as hell, but they are very selective about it!
Traveling: Yes, please!
Exercise: A little every day is enough.
Playful: Not as much as some of the dogs on this list, but yes! 
Shedding: They might shed a lot!

3- Boston Terrier

boston terrier

This breed is known for being super intelligent and affectionate with family, kids, and also other dogs. Boston Terriers adapt very well to apartment living and are very easy to train. They love traveling and exercising, their energy is amazing and they are very playful and loveable.

boston terrier

Boston Terriers are great companions, especially for older people or apartment dwellers, since they are very small and caring. They are very sweet and tender, but can sometimes be stubborn. With the right training and lots of love, this breed will win your heart for sure!

Good for apartment living?: Perfect! 
Easy to train?: Yes!
Cold or hot weather?: Adapts better to cold weather
Friendliness: This is the friendliest fella! 5 stars!
Traveling: For sure! 
Exercise: This breed has a lot of energy, so regular exercise is necessary.
Playful: Veeeeery much!
Shedding: Just a little bit.

4- Chihuahua


The world’s smallest dog breed, Chihuahuas love to be around their people and to bond with their family. They are very intelligent and learn fast, so it won’t be hard to train this breed. Be careful when training this little guy, this breed won’t respond to harsh treatment, so use positive reinforcement when teaching tricks and rules.


Chihuahuas are curious, energetic, and love to explore! They are great for apartment dwellers since they adapt very well to apartment living due to their size. They are amazing companions and are very loveable to their people, but careful: Chihuahuas are not so sociable when dealing with other dogs and little kids. They don’t need to exercise a lot, but it’s always nice to play daily with them, at least 30 minutes a day.

Good for apartment living?: Totally!
Easy to train?: Not so much. 
Cold or hot weather?: None. This fella doesn’t like cold or hot weather.
Friendliness: They love kids and their families, but are suspicious of strangers and other dogs.
Traveling: This little one prefers to stay home.
Exercise: Chihuahuas are couch potatoes, they don’t enjoy exercising!
Playful: Even if being lazy, they just love to play! 
Shedding: Very little.

5- Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Corgis, as Shibas, became very popular on the internet through memes. They are very, very cute and small, with the shape of a loaf of bread. They are clever and energetic, and they love to play and exercise. Corgis have a tendency to bark (for no particular reason). They can be a bit stubborn sometimes, but with the right training, they are amazing dogs and lovely companions.


Great with kids and families, Corgis also adapt very well to apartment living and won’t require much space. They have also a tendency to gain weight, so be careful when feeding this little guy. Corgis are happy, independent, and great watchdogs since they are suspicious of strangers.

They have lots and lots of energy, so it’s nice to exercise with them daily.

Good for apartment living?: Adapts very well.
Easy to train?: Very much! 
Cold or hot weather?: Adapts better to cold weather
Friendliness: This cutie is the king of friendliness!
Traveling: Well… no. They don’t enjoy it so much.
Exercise: Corgis need regular exercise.
Playful: This breed is very playful!
Shedding: They will shed, like, a lot!

6- Australian Shepherd

This amazingly beautiful breed will thrive where it can make good use of its brain and energy. Australian Shepherds are incredibly intelligent and energetic, they need to be busy with activities so they won’t become bored and destructive. They are fast, obedient, and very protective, especially with kids.

They are loyal companions and very affectionate with family and other dogs. They have a tendency to bark for long periods if they get bored, so put this fella to exercise and do many activities so they can spend all their energy and forget to bark.

They’re not good for apartment living since they need a lot of wide-open space to run and play.

Good for apartment living?: Not at all, this breed won’t adapt well!
Easy to train?: Yes! Very easy, actually! They are intelligent and fast learners.
Cold or hot weather?: Adapts well to both kinds of weather.
Friendliness: Very friendly and affectionate! They are very lovable.
Traveling: They love to travel!
Exercise: As they have a lot of energy, they will need regular exercise.
Playful: This breed just loves to play, all the time. 
Shedding: Not so much… but also, not so little!

7- Belgian Malinois

This beautiful breed is very easy to train due to its great intelligence. Belgian Malinois are fast learners and won’t respond to harsh treatment, they are very sensitive dogs, so positive reinforcement is the key here. They can be friendly and assertive but also can be shy and quiet. They are not aggressive toward strangers but can be suspicious of them.

Belgian Malinois is a good choice for those who already had owned dogs before and have experience with training. They are very caring and intense and like to feel like they’re part of the family. They are fast, obedient, and playful, and don’t like being by themselves.

Attention: they are NOT suitable for apartment living, they are big and need a lot of space to run and exercise.

Good for apartment living?: Nope! This fella needs a lot of space and prefers being outdoors.
Easy to train?: Yes, they are very intelligent and obedient.
Cold or hot weather?: Adapts well to both kinds of weather.
Friendliness: 5 stars with the family, but not with strangers, and dogs.
Traveling: Not so good for this breed.
Exercise: They need a lot of exercise every day.
Playful: They just looooove to play!
Shedding: Just a little amount of shedding.

8- Miniature Schnauzer

Schnauzers are lovely and cute, having their long, bushy beard that looks like a walrus mustache. These distinguished gentlemen are so outgoing, very intelligent, and have very enthusiastic humor. They absolutely love to bond with their people. Very affectionate with family, but not so much with other dogs, kids, and strangers, this breed is great for training due to its intelligence.

Their small size makes them great for apartment living and traveling (they love!) and they can adapt very well to city living. They will need daily exercise and lots of activities since Schnauzers are so full of life and energy. Because of their protective personality, they are great as watchdogs and will alert you if they notice any suspicious activity around you.

Good for apartment living?: Yep, totally!
Easy to train?: Yes! They are nice and patient, and also very intelligent.
Cold or hot weather?: Tolerates both kinds of weather well.
Friendliness: With family, we give 5 stars, with other dogs and people, not so much. But they’re easygoing with everybody.
Traveling: They are ok with it.
Exercise: This guy will need regular exercise!
Playful: A lot!
Shedding: Very little.

Dogs are amazing companions, and there are millions of them available for adoption just waiting for you! They want to be loved and join a caring family. Make a difference!

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