In 2022, we want you to find peace and comfort in your home. Not because it’s trendy or aesthetic, but having the right home decor might help you feel more connected to the space you live in. Following the amazing tips from the amazing YouTuber Garret LeChic, who always speaks about interior design thinking about what’s really going to be good for you and your space, personally. We won’t care (so much) about trends in this selection, we care about this little piece of heaven that our home should be for us.

Investing in good quality products

As Garrett says, it isn’t a matter of having good quality furniture just for you to pass to your future generations. But when investing in good materials and great quality stuff, they can still be interesting to someone else when you decide to change the piece for something different.

Garrett: “It’s all about environmentalism and sustainability!”

Planning, planning, planning!

Pay attention to your space and take into account how you interact with it, the things that are missing, or things that need to go. Planning is having patience and learning how to incorporate our pieces into the space we live in.

Garrett: “That planning means that you don’t have to get rid of everything or start over from scratch because that’s just not realistic for all of us, but that planning also means that you can make it work, make it look like it was meant to be there in your space and in your home”

Hey! Don’t rush yourself!

Breathe… We know you’re looking forward to having your space decorated just like you’ve always wanted. But don’t rush yourself into buying pieces just to feel you’ve done your job with your home decor. Wait until you fall in love with pieces of decoration and furniture, wait until you find what really fits in your space that will reflect your personality and won’t make you regret buying, making you lose sleep on it.

Garrett: “Be sure you are looking for those pieces because those are the things you’re going to have forever.”

People and content you get value from

We can learn a lot from social media, every single day. We learn a lot from Garrett LeChic, and that’s his point here: follow people who offer content from where you get real value. Creating awesome content is not easy, so follow people who make the effort to really help you improve your life and home instead of just following trends that might die soon.

Let’s not be a page in a catalog!

Imagine buying every single piece of decoration from the same store. Is it a home or page 36 of a catalog? This might erase your personality from your home design. Do your research, as Garrett said: wait and fall in love. Take your sweet time looking at antique pieces of furniture that will go very well with those posters you bought at Etsy. Create memories, and value the pieces you love. Your home shouldn’t look like a showcase from Pottery Barn, you know?

Garrett: “Take the time to find the pieces you love, but make sure that they feel interesting that they work together, that they’re not designed to go together necessarily because that can make a space feel generic or feel a little bit bland.”

“What does your space says about you?”

Does your living space tell your story? Can we see who you are just by looking at your place? More important than following what’s trending is having what really reflects your personality, your routine, your interests… Is your home comfortable enough for you? Is your space working for you, can you really enjoy it? Think about those questions when putting the pieces together to decor your home.

Garrett: “Do you live for your home or does your home live for you? (…) It’s not just a roof over your head, it’s the place you live your life.”

Choose the right trend to follow

What’s the right trend, by the way? It’s the one that will truly reflect your personal style and interests. You won’t need to adapt to any trend if you find the one that already brings the vibe you enjoy and relate to.

Garrett: “Look at trends and look at any designer, any style harshly and decide whether or not that’s actually going to benefit you or not.”

“What does my space want?”

Sometimes the changes we want to have in our home are not reachable, not because of money, but the structure just wasn’t made for these changes. That’s okay, that’s why it’s so important to understand your living space and respect the limits of its structure.

Garrett: “The house is gonna tell you what it wants and those structural realities of what’s happening there, you wanna work within them.”

Does being current matter?

We have already listed the trends that 2022 will bring for interior design, but how important is it to follow them? When the priority is to feel comfortable and have your personal touch in your home decor, you don’t need to. The only person who needs to love your space is YOU, it is YOU who is living in your home. Who cares if it’s trendy or dated if you enjoy it?

Garrett: “Do you want your space to be current, or do you want your space to be reflective of you? I think we all know the answer to that one.”

Value your treasures!

Your possessions should be valued. They are meaningful to you for a reason, as everything in your space should be. Value the story behind the pieces you already have at home. After all, they’re a great part of you and your path until now!

Garrett: “Maybe I’m just sentimental, but to me, the things in my space have to have meaning and value. They shouldn’t be something someone on social media pushed on to me.”

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