Our generation wants so badly to experience everything we can, as much and as frequently as possible. With all the technology we have in our hands now, it makes it even easier to plan trips carefully. Put this all together and there you have it: millennials crazy for trips. But let’s be honest: is there anything better than traveling?

Great to have this little taste of adventure and break the habit.

Isn’t it fascinating getting to know new places, new cultures, new people? Different opinions, different lifestyles, different food. And sometimes you don’t even need to go too far from home to become a modern Aladdin and meet a whole new world. Breathtaking and natural sceneries, amazing cities, contemporary architecture, adventurous rides: so many things to see, absorb, to learn.

That being said, have you ever thought about traveling by yourself?

Alone Trip Tip: If you take a road trip by yourself, you can choose ALL the tracks and create your own vibe.

We hope you have! If you haven’t, that’s ok, but you totally should. We know it’s common to be scared to go all by yourself, even on a small, simple trip. That’s why we’re here! Keep reading to learn how to keep connected to people and places while traveling alone.

Every day is an important day

This is a lesson you may carry with you forever: every day is an important day. Not only while you’re traveling, but taking a trip is a great way to learn how to cherish each day you live. Why not take the same amount of opportunities and risks that we do while on a trip, on a daily basis?

The feeling of closeness to the place you travel to is temporary, so the situation may force you to savor every single moment of the trip. Why spend your precious time on the phone when you can simply go out and have a tour around the city with the group of Italians you met at a party yesterday? It’s not a hard choice, right?

If you bring that lesson back home with you from your traveling experience, you’ll feel like you never stopped traveling. Live in a bolder way, like you’re visiting, like you’re leaving soon. That will totally change your perspective of life. And, talking about perspective…

Change of perspective

If you allow yourself to all these new experiences, like, meeting people with different backgrounds and stories, learning about their culture, and eating food you have never eaten before, you will surely go through a major experience of mental shift. You’ll hardly feel like the person you were when you arrived. In the best way possible.

When taking a trip, you get out of your comfort zone. By doing Travel causes you to rethink your opinions and re-evaluate your belief systems. You become more open-minded and curious about ways of living and thinking that are far different from your own. When you have a more pliable mind, you connect with the people around you much easier than if you adhere to rigid notions about the world.”

Relationships are easier than they seem

Travel fosters unique connections. Some of the people you meet become your dearest friends and kindred spirits. Others become fun drinking pals, excellent coffee-date partners, or trusted chefs at your favorite crêperie. And sometimes a relationship is just the 63 cents you exchange for a smile with the homeless man outside the park.

The temporary and permanent relationships you develop while traveling teach you how to embrace connections in your life exactly as they are, however flawed or different from your expectations they may be. You learn that each friendship or acquaintance you have adds something special to your life, so you don’t waste time trying to change or control what is lovely just as it is.

“On the road, it’s not rare to make a best friend overnight, spend a magical week together, then go separate ways and, ten years down the line of minimal contact, meet up again in another country and have it seem like no time has passed. We come into contact with hundreds of people abroad, and it is those that click effortlessly and don’t need constant maintenance that become parts of our lifelong social circle.”

Enjoy all you can, but trust your gut

Take the chances, and embrace all possibilities. But respect your own boundaries. If you feel uncomfortable around someone you met or where you’re at, leave. Don’t overthink. Don’t even wonder if you’re exaggerating or maybe just not enjoying all the opportunities to know new places and meet new people.

When in doubt, just leave. Don’t waste your precious travel time being uncomfortable just when you should be having the greatest time of your life. Do not pressure yourself to have fun all the effing time, but, you know… just trust your gut, if it starts calling you out.


If it’s easy for you to try new foods, just go and explore all the possible options around you. One of the best activities to do during a trip is to experiment the different dishes and drinks that you didn’t even know existed.

You deserve the best things in life! And, let’s all agree: one of the greatest parts of life is to eat well. So, you should invest your time looking for great restaurants and bars where you’re staying. It’s an amazing way to connect with the culture and the people around you.

Connect with yourself

Ok, so now you made lots of connections with amazing people, great places, and beautiful experiences. Nice! Now, take the opportunity to bond with your inner self, since you’re most of the time only accompanied by yourself. Take some moments on your trip to enjoy your own company, to learn who you really are in this amazing, huge world.

Watch the views, take your time

The whole experience of traveling by yourself can be incredibly enlightening for the journey of knowing who your true self is. Remember: you are your best company. Enjoy it the most you can.

Move that ass!

Be active, for god’s sake! Go hiking, dancing, clubbing, swimming, whatever you like. Just don’t spend your beautiful trip in your hotel room sitting or laying down while watching Netflix! (Of course, it’s your choice here, but we wouldn’t suggest you do it…)

Question: If you do something regularly in your daily routine back at home, why would you feel like doing the same thing during your trip? Be bold, try different stuff! The adrenaline of trying new activities (especially one that makes you scared) is priceless! So, go out! Explore the place and your limits!

Well, we sincerely hope you get the time, the money and the courage to go on an alone adventure and connect with people, places, food, cultures and especially, wtih yourself. 
Have a nice trip and be safe!

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