Plants are a beautiful addition to any home. They add color and life to an otherwise lifeless space. When plopped into the bathroom, they can bring a bold and vibrant pop of color. Plants can be great in bathrooms even if they aren’t as drought-tolerant as other plants, also they’ll keep your bathroom looking both stylish and lush.

We already know that our houseplants can improve our quality of life by improving the air we breathe, acting as a therapy for us, and being a focal point in our homes. Nowadays, plants are not just limited to being inside, our homes. In fact, some of them can now be found outside – a nice alternative to the cold concrete sidewalks of fly-over states – and inside your bathroom. We select some of the best 7 bathroom plants that will serve as a unique decor choice and are perfect for those who are looking for a new plant to add around their shower or bathtub.

Pothos Plants

This one here is very known as one of the most popular “hard-to-kill” houseplants among plant lovers. They will surely make a very good addition to your bathroom decor since they can tolerate low light. They can’t stand direct light, so keep this beautiful, leafy plant in a cool spot, far from direct sunlight, and you’ll be gifted with amazing vines decorating your bathroom.

Pothos can be grown in water or in dry soil and is low maintenance.

Begonia Plants

The Begonia Plant is popular and one of the best indoor houseplants to have in your bathroom since it’s easy-growing and will totally bring a colorful nature touch into your decor, especially in plain-white bathroom decor. Begonias love moisture and humidity, and also a good indirect bright sunlight to thrive beautifully.

They are native to a subtropical climate—so your bathroom will be the perfect place to display them and replicate their natural habitat.

Philodendron Plants

Attention: This plant is toxic – Keep away from children and pets.

The main hype of this beautiful plant is especially how easy they are to keep alive. So once you learn how to keep your Philodendron plant thriving happily, you’ll never forget. This plant loves warm temperatures and good soil with enough moisture but never sodden. If the leaves are yellow, that can be a sign of overwatering, so be careful.

It grows well in moderate to bright indirect light, but direct sunlight can kill this little guy. Philodendron is a tropical species, so they like being in humid places. That’s not mandatory, since it is very adaptable to average conditions.

Asparagus Fern Plants

Attention: This plant is toxic – Keep away from children and pets.

This bushy-tailed houseplant is like a green air-purifying. These ferns love to grow in shady spots or where they don’t get much direct sunlight, it’s such a perfect plant for bathrooms! Also, the steam from the bath/shower will naturally mist this bathroom plant favorite. Keep the soil damp but not soggy and you’ll see your plant thriving and growing, taking over your bathroom walls with its gorgeous ferns

Also good for natural plant killers, Asparagus Ferns are fighters and a very important part of plant decor.

Snake Plants

This plant will easily grow tall and it’s also one of the most popular “hard-to-kill” plants. For you to understand better, the Snake Plant is the Bruce Willis of houseplants. There are some stories about how this plant protects your house from negative energies and envy. We don’t know if that is true, but this is such a powerful plant that is easy to believe in this legend.

It might tolerate all manner of abuse and thrive well in most places since it’s incredibly adaptable to weather, humidity and light. It’s also an elegant item to have in your decor.

Croton Plant

Croton is a tropical plant that loves a humid environment, that’s why it is on this list. You can display it near a bright, sunny window in a warm, steamy bathroom. It will make your plant happy and healthy.

Keep the temperature of your bathroom nice and balanced, since Croton won’t tolerate extreme temperatures. Put it on a nice warm color in your bathroom, where the plant gets bright afternoon light. It’ll thank you with beautiful vines decorating all over your bathroom.

Cast-Iron Plant

Are you a natural plant killer? Don’t you worry! The Cast Iron Plant will be an excellent choice for you since its maintenance is low and it is adaptable to a variety of weather, soil, and light. If you forget to water it, Cast Iron won’t care: they tolerate neglected watering and even extreme temperatures (but please, don’t abuse it – water your plants!).

A consistent temperature is appreciated and little indirect light will be the perfect fuel for this plant to thrive.

We hope our post helps you bring a touch of nature into your bathroom’s decor! Have a nice indoor jungle! See you next post!

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