Have you ever walked into someone’s home and been overwhelmed by the decor?

It could be too much for one person to take in, with all the colors, patterns, and textures. The world of home decor can be intimidating, especially if you’re someone who doesn’t know where to start. But don’t panic just yet! If done well, maximalism can create a unique look that is both beautiful and inviting.

Here are some tips on how to create cohesive maximalist decor for your own home!

Tight Color Palette

Even though maximalism encourages boldness, it doesn’t mean you should use every color in the rainbow. There also needs to be some order among chaos – pick a color palette (2-3 colors max!) and stick with it throughout the entire design process – this will ensure that everything looks cohesive even though there may be lots going on within each particular area of the room itself! A tight color palette also helps keep things visually pleasing without being overwhelming so keep this in mind when choosing pieces for your maximalist home decor project!

Creating Your Color Palette

Think about what hues evoke the feeling you’re trying to achieve in your space; cool blues and greens can give off calming vibes, while warm tones like oranges and yellows can make your living room feel more vibrant.
Maximalism is an interior design trend that emphasizes bold patterns and vibrant colors, but bright colors can make a space feel larger and more inviting. To create the perfect color palette, start by selecting one main color that conveys the emotion you want overall (e.g., blue conveys serenity). Then add a second one that complements the first one (e.g., yellow complements blue). Lastly, pick a third color that will be the cherry on top (e.g., green). An easy way to begin is by basing yourself on some of the classic color palettes found on Pinterest or through a quick Google search; these palettes often have three distinct shades of each hue so as to provide subtle layering within your design choices.

Be sure to consider different shades of the colors you’ve chosen (e.g., If you’ve picked blue as your main color, that includes both light and darker ones. Once you have chosen your palette of colors, stick to it throughout all of your design choices so everything looks connected and put together.

Be Bold In Your Decor

When it comes to maximalism more is definitely more! Be bold with color and pattern choices; don’t be afraid to mix different prints or textures and materials together in unexpected ways (like wood with metal or velvet with cotton). These combinations will make for unique statement pieces within your room that will set it apart from other rooms in the house! It’s also important not to use too many neutrals – if everything blends together then nothing stands out so make sure there’s enough contrast between elements so that each one has its own story within the overall design scheme.

Don’t worry if things don’t match perfectly; this type of design embraces imperfections and celebrates uniqueness!

Consider Your Patterns

When creating that maximalist home decor you’ve always wanted, it is important not to forget about patterns! Patterns can be used throughout the room in big or small doses depending on your preference but they should always remain cohesive by repeating colors or shapes in different places. This repetition creates unity within the room while still allowing each item its own identity within the overall design aesthetic.

Mix & Match: Patterns And Textures

For maximalists, pattern mixing is almost always encouraged! And don’t forget about texture as well; think rugs, pillows, throws, curtains—anything that adds visual interest and depth to your space. Be sure not to choose too many different textures or patterns though; try matching up two bold prints (like stripes and florals) or contrasting soft fabrics like velvet with something more textured like sisal or jute rugs. With the right combination of patterns and textures in place, you’ll be able to easily create a cozy yet eye-catching look for any room of the house.

Tell Your Story Through Your Decor

Maximalism isn’t just about having a lot of stuff; it’s also about telling your story through those items. When picking out items for your space think about what represents you as an individual or family—what colors are meaningful? What styles remind you of childhood memories? What kind of art do you appreciate? All these details come together to create an environment that reflects who you are as a person and how you want others (and yourself) to feel when entering the space.

Choose Your Statement Pieces

You won’t want to go overboard with accessories either; too many knick-knacks can make a room feel cluttered instead of stylishly decorated. Instead of scattering decorative items around randomly, pick out pieces that add personality without taking away from the overall aesthetic of the room. Consider vintage pieces or handmade items for an eclectic touch—just make sure they fit within your color palette! Also, remember that less is often still more when it comes to accessories; adding just one bold statement piece can add drama without making things overly busy or overwhelming.


Once you’ve picked out your main pieces, it’s time to accessorize! This is where maximalism really comes into play – don’t be afraid to add lots of unique touches throughout your room. Think about adding plants or greenery to your space for a pop of color and life. You could also add artwork or mirrors on walls or shelves to fill up empty spaces and give your room some personality.; these small details can really make a room feel alive and vibrant. You should also consider adding some vibrant textiles like rugs, pillows, or curtains – these are all great ways to add texture and dimension to any room without taking up too much space.

Group Items Together!

decor maximalist

When arranging furniture and accessories in a maximalist home decor scheme, it helps to group items together in odd numbers (like 3 or 5). This creates an interesting visual effect that looks great when done correctly. Additionally, grouping items together also helps create balance within a room and ensures everything looks aesthetically pleasing.

Break The Rules!

Once you understand the rules for picking colors, patterns, and accessories, it’s time to start breaking them (The rules, not your accessories!). When you break rules intentionally, you become an artist who knows when, where, and which rules to break in order to make the most impactful statement possible. Feel free to experiment with different hues or combine unexpected pops of color; just make sure to repeat them (e.g., If you add an unexpected neon green piece in the living room that doesn’t quite fit with everything else, try adding some more of it here and there – one pop in the kitchen, another one in the hallway, and, to wrap it all together, another piece in the same color upstairs!) so everything ties together nicely in order to create cohesion within your whole space.

Where Can I Shop?

The first step in creating any type of home decor is knowing where to shop for the pieces you need. For maximalist home decor, it’s best to look for items at thrift stores, antique shops, and consignment stores. These places typically have unique items that can easily be repurposed into something great and that will help make your space stand out from the rest. Alternatively, if you’re looking for something more modern, try shopping at flea markets or online retailers like Etsy or eBay. These websites offer one-of-a-kind items that you won’t find anywhere else.

Creating a cohesive maximalist decor doesn’t have to be hard – all it takes is finding the right balance. So get creative – mix patterns, use vibrant colors – whatever makes you happy – just remember not to overdo it! Have fun creating something truly unique that expresses who you are while still maintaining balance within each space! It may seem intimidating at first but once you get started you’ll find yourself having fun – and enjoying an amazing-looking interior afterward! o get creative and enjoy expressing yourself through this unique style of interior design today! Happy decorating!

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