We all love a good home decor project, don’t we? There’s something so satisfying about creating a space that feels uniquely our own, from picking out the perfect color scheme to curating a collection of art and accessories that speaks to our personal style. But let’s face it – sometimes things don’t turn out quite as planned.

Whether it’s a questionable color choice or a furniture fiasco, we’ve all made our fair share of interior design mistakes. It’s all part of the learning process, right? But even the most seasoned home decorators can fall into the trap of common design faux pas, and that’s what we’re here to talk about today.

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If you love home decor as much as we do, then you probably spend a fair amount of time scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest, looking for inspiration and ideas. And while those platforms can certainly be a great source of design inspiration, they can also perpetuate certain design trends or ideas that may not be practical or even desirable in your own space.

We’re not here to shame or judge – we’ve all been there. Instead, we want to offer a helping hand and some guidance to those who are looking to up their interior design game. So grab a glass of wine, put on some tunes, and let’s dive in!

4- Don’t Hang Your Decor Too High!

Are you feeling a little off-kilter in your space? Do you find yourself constantly tilting your head to the side to get a better view of your artwork? Well, you might be committing a serious interior design mistake: hanging your artwork too high.

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Here are a few reasons why this mistake can make your space feel a little awkward:

It Creates Neck Strain

When your artwork is hung too high, it can be a literal pain in the neck. You’ll find yourself constantly craning your neck to get a better view, and this can lead to neck strain and headaches.

It Feels Disconnected

Artwork is meant to be a focal point in a room, but when it’s hung too high, it can feel disconnected from the rest of the space. It can make your room feel unbalanced and disjointed, and it can be hard to appreciate the artwork itself.

It Looks Odd

Let’s be real, artwork that’s hung too high just looks odd. It throws off the proportions of the room and can make your space feel unfinished or incomplete.

So, what’s the solution?

Common Art Hanging Mistakes — Jen Talbot Design

Well, it’s simple: hang your artwork at eye level. This means that the center of the artwork should be at eye level for the average person (around 57-60 inches from the ground). Here are a few tips:

Measure Before You Hang

Before you hang your artwork, measure the height of your wall and mark the center point. This will help you determine where to hang your artwork at eye level.

Use a Level

Make sure your artwork is straight by using a level. A crooked piece of artwork can be distracting and throw off the balance of the room.

Group Your Artwork

If you have multiple pieces of artwork, consider grouping them together at eye level. This will create a cohesive look and make your space feel more put together.

In conclusion, hanging your artwork too high can create an awkward and uncomfortable space. So, make sure to hang your artwork at eye level and use a level to ensure it’s straight. Your neck (and your guests) will thank you for it!

3- Decor Nightmares: Curtains Are Too Short!

Let’s talk about a design faux pas that’s often overlooked: short curtains. Yes, you heard it right, short curtains can ruin the entire aesthetic of your room! In fact, they can make your space feel incomplete and unfinished. So, if you’re someone who thinks that curtains are just an afterthought, think again!

Here are a few reasons why having curtains that are too short can be a design disaster:

They Make Your Ceiling Look Lower

Short curtains have a way of making your ceilings appear lower than they actually are. This is because they don’t cover the entire height of the window and leave a gap between the top of the curtains and the ceiling. This is especially noticeable in rooms with high ceilings, and it can make the space feel cramped and small.

They Let In Too Much Light

One of the main purposes of curtains is to provide privacy and control the amount of light that enters your room. Short curtains, however, don’t cover the entire window, which means they let in too much light. This can be a problem, especially if you’re trying to sleep or work in the room during the day.

They Don’t Create a Cohesive Look

If you’re going for a cohesive look in your room, short curtains can be a big no-no. They look incomplete and can make your space feel disjointed. If you’re investing in curtains, you might as well go all the way and get curtains that are the right length.

So, what’s the solution?

Too Short Curtains? -Tips to Lengthen Curtain Panels

Well, the easiest fix is to get curtains that are the right length. But if you’ve already bought curtains that are too short, don’t worry! You can always add a valance or a fabric border to make them longer. This is a quick and easy DIY fix that can make a big difference.

In conclusion, curtains are an essential part of your room’s design, and getting the length right is crucial. So, the next time you’re shopping for curtains, make sure you measure your windows and get the right length. Your space will thank you for it!

2- Didn’t Measure Your Space? Well, Well, Well…

Picture this: You’ve just ordered a new couch online, and you can’t wait for it to arrive. You spend hours daydreaming about lounging on it, watching your favorite TV shows, and sipping on your favorite drink. But when it finally arrives, you realize it’s way too big for your living room. The legs are sticking out, and you can barely walk around it. You start to panic, wondering how you’re going to return it, and if you’ll ever get your dream couch.

This is the nightmare scenario that happens when you order furniture without measuring your space. Trust us, it’s not pretty. But fear not! We’ve compiled a list of reasons why you should always measure your space before ordering furniture.

It Saves You Time and Money

Ordering furniture can be a time-consuming and expensive process. You don’t want to waste your time and money on something that won’t fit in your space. By measuring your room beforehand, you’ll save yourself from the hassle of returning or exchanging furniture that’s too big or too small.

It Helps You Visualize Your Space

Measuring your space before ordering furniture will help you visualize how it will look in your room. You’ll be able to see how much space it will take up, and whether it will fit in with the rest of your decor. This will help you make informed decisions about your furniture choices and avoid any design disasters.

It Prevents Clutter

When furniture is too big for a room, it can make the space feel cluttered and overwhelming. This can lead to stress and anxiety, and nobody wants that! Measuring your space beforehand will ensure that your furniture fits perfectly and creates a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.

So, what’s the solution?

Always measure your space before ordering furniture. Take note of the measurements of your room, including the height, width, and length. Consider the placement of windows, doors, and other obstacles, such as radiators or power outlets. Then, when you’re shopping for furniture, make sure you double-check the measurements of the item before ordering.

In conclusion, measuring your space before ordering furniture is essential for a stress-free and enjoyable home design experience. So, grab your measuring tape, and get ready to create your dream home!

1- No Space To Move Through The Decor

Do you ever feel like you’re running an obstacle course in your own home? Bumping into furniture, squeezing through narrow spaces, and tripping over random objects? Well, if you’re not careful, you might be committing a serious interior design mistake: not having enough space to move through your home.

Here are a few reasons why this mistake can be a real pain in the neck:

It’s Unsafe

When you don’t have enough space to move through your home, accidents can happen. You might trip and fall, bump your head on a low ceiling, or knock over a fragile decoration. This is especially dangerous if you have children or elderly family members living with you.

It’s Uncomfortable

Have you ever tried to relax in a cramped and cluttered space? It’s not exactly the most comfortable experience. Lack of space can make you feel claustrophobic and stressed, and it can be hard to unwind after a long day.

It’s Unattractive

Let’s face it, a cluttered and cramped space is not exactly Instagram-worthy. It can make your home look messy and disorganized, and it can be hard to showcase your decor when it’s hidden behind piles of clutter.

So, what’s the solution?

Well, the easiest fix is to declutter and organize your space. Get rid of any unnecessary items and create designated storage areas for your belongings. But if you’re still struggling with space, here are a few tips:

Use Multi-Functional Furniture

Invest in furniture that serves more than one purpose. For example, a sofa bed can be used as both a couch and a guest bed, or a coffee table with built-in storage can save you some much-needed space.

Create Pathways

Make sure you have clear pathways throughout your home. This means removing any unnecessary obstacles and creating a flow that makes it easy to move from room to room.

In conclusion, having enough space to move through your home is essential for safety, comfort, and aesthetics. So, take the time to declutter and organize your space, and consider investing in multi-functional furniture and lighter colors. Your home (and your sanity) will thank you for it!

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